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Nice to Meet You


Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am a writer. I love everything that is old and have an insatiable curiosity about the past.

Age 4 - rockin the pigtails and bangs
Today - Still haven't given up the bangs!

When I was little, I was huge fan of Nancy Drew mysteries. I enjoyed looking for clues and imagined secret passageways hidden in our 1960s suburban home. Of course, our home held no surprises, so I turned instead to books for my source of adventure and enjoyment.

I grew up in the Baptist church where my dad played piano and my mom taught Sunday School. The faith I learned as a very young girl has been foundational in my life. I come from a family of teachers, and I served 16 years on the faculty at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.

My husband and I have been married for 27+ years. We love vintage clothes, architecture, cars, and music - and renovating our mid-century home. Our teenage daughter is decidedly modern and introduces us to the 21st century on a regular basis. Today, I am the managing editor of Today in the Word and content strategy manager (aka storyteller) for Moody Bible Institute, working remotely from my Florida home.

My first book, When Others Shuddered: Eight Women Who Refused to Give Up, was published in February 2014 by Moody Publishers. In it, I tell the stories of eight turn-of-the-century women who changed their worlds by following God.

In 2011, I was awarded first prize for non-fiction in the Hal Grutzmacher's Literary Contest. You can read my winning essay at this link: "Naked As They Come".

For more information on my book, speaking opportunities, or just to say "hello!", I can be contacted via email at:


Hi Jamie, I found you through the Easter Stories syncroblog. Another participant on the syncroblog just recommended your book to me. I looked it up… It's a small world... My husband is a Ph.D candidate at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary and is writing his dissertation on women in the Holiness movement in the late 19th-20th centuries who started urban missions for the lower class and immigrant communities in Chicago. Amanda Berry Smith is also one of the women he is featuring in his dissertation. We will be getting your book and both reading it. What a fun connection!
Jamie Janosz said…
Emily - Thanks so much for writing. How wonderful that your husband is studying Amanda Berry Smith as well - I was fascinated by her autobiography. I think I just connected with him on linkedin! Glad to meet you both!

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