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Who Nurtured You? BOOK GIVEAWAY Contest!

Was there a woman in your life who nurtured you?

A teacher who told you how great you were at math or writing?

The Sunday School teacher who prayed and listened?

Your aunt who took you to her workplace?

Your grandmother who showed you how to make a recipe?

It might be your mom, a best friend, a neighbor, a sister?

What woman in your life would you like to honor?

I'd like to giveaway two copies of my book, When Others Shuddered: Eight Women Who Refused to Give Up - one to you and one to the woman you admire. Write a comment below, or on my Facebook page, telling about this brave wonderful woman! Also, please share this post or my Facebook page on social media!

On Thursday, May 1st, I will draw a winner and send the book to both the winner and the honored nominee.

Let's celebrate the important and wonderful women in our lives!


Anonymous said…
My Mom Phyllis is the epitome of what it means to be heroic, loving, and a true survivor... (breast cancer). Her life revolves around the people who mean the most to her and who carry the keys to her heart: her charming husband, her cherished son, her 2 loving daughters, and her beloved dog, Bella. While a bit challenging at times, she would never give up this life for something different. When times get tough, not only does she rely on her strengthened faith, renewed hope, and unconditional love, but she also follows her own blueprint, a road map of sorts, to help muddle through good times and bad. And it’s because of these characteristic traits of unfailing love for her children and unwavering faith through triumphs and tragedies that lead me to nominate my Mom as “Mother of the Year”... every year.

In honor of Mother’s Day, 2014, I’d like to dedicate this poem to my Mom as a reflection of the past, present and future memories of the unconditional love she has for me… which mirrors the image of her soul.

Reminiscent Dreams of a Beautiful Mom… My Hero, My Life

Ever since Mom was a young child, she had these dreams
of marrying the perfect man and giving birth
to their very own little bundle of joy;
a bouncing baby boy or girl,
a charming little prince or princess; a baby
to raise, nurture and shower with never-ending love.

July 26, 1970 marked the event of a lifetime - a celebration of joy;
the day they were showered with never-ending love;
blessed with an 8lb 12oz bouncing baby girl.
That’s right, it was me, as perfect as in their dreams.
And from my first moments until my first, second and yet more birth-
days to come, Mom marks her father’s words & says, “You’ll always be my baby.”

As time flies by, we grow old and age, except the memories of a new birth,
days gone by and our envisioned futures of when we were a little girl;
We have been blessed with the showers of nurturing love,
and to the most perfect grown-up princess she says, “You’ll always be my baby.”
Spellbound and filled with happiness and joy;
My Mom and her “little girl” are the most perfect celebration of reminiscent dreams.

Reminiscent dreams bring bundles of joy;
Memories of a new birth; happiness and love.
And this grown-up little girl will always be her baby.

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY… with love.
I LOVE you, Mom... xoxoxo
Always your baby, Lisa
Jamie Janosz said…
Thank you, Lisa. How wonderful to have you honor your mom in this way.

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