My teenage daughter is volunteering at a children's art camp this summer. There is one little girl who wears 8 rubber bands on her left wrist. When she drinks a bottle of water, she moves one rubber band from the left wrist to her right. Her goal, she informed my daughter, is to drink all 8. Her mom says it is very important. The majority of the children - age 6 to 10 - say they are vegetarians. Their snacks are carefully restricted, and so (it seems) are their lives. Most of them leave art camp to rush over to another pre-scheduled summer activity. Something about this parenting style makes me nervous. Rubber bands. Eight glasses of water? Why do these children sound like a group of 40-something women doing power yoga? Why are they worried about fluid intake and calories? As a mom of one, I can only claim so much parental experience. But I do have some. And, I know that one lesson I have learned the hard way is to set aside the whole parenting-I-must-do-everything-...