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Showing posts from December, 2010

The Wonder Years and Junior High Love

Last night I tuned in to HUB television. It was replaying a few of my favorite old sitcoms: The Wonder Years, Family Ties, and Doogie Howser, M.D. My daughter was playing on her computer, but we both became caught up in an episode of The Wonder Years. In it, the two main characters, Kevin Arnold and his friend Paul were plotting on how to get dates for the junior high dance. Kevin, the main character, wanted a date with the most popular girl in school. Instead he settled for a "friend" date with his cute and smart lab partner from science class. While he really was having a great time with his lab partner Linda, she just did not make his heart beat quicker. He says sadly at the end of the episode, "That was the first time I broke someone's heart." Their conversations were poignant and reminded me of my own junior high years. The funny thing is that my daughter said they sounded "exactly like" her friends.I guess the complex relationships of boys ...

Why Facebook Might Be Good for Tweens...

Among parents, social networking sites have a bad name. Parents fear that teens will be posting promiscuous photos of themselves or instant messaging inappropriate comments without parental supervision. And, I suppose, some are. But I also think that Facebook offers opportunities that are very helpful to early teens who are trying to establish personal identity. Tweens are those stuck in the middle between childhood and adulthood. They are too old for Santa and too young to drive. They both love and disdain their parents. They might still cuddle stuffed animals, even while trying on eyeliner. Tweens get themselves into trouble with these stretching moments. Some begin swearing excessively ā€“ trying to show that they are older, more mature, not just a kid. They get more heavily invested in their peer group than ever before. They step up school activities and spend time alone, in their rooms, on the computer. Emotionally, tweens are needy. They are faced with the insecurities of ch...